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"MFA" Multi Factor Authentication

"2FA and MFA" technology is currently used THOUSANDS of times every SECOND by nearly 5 BILLION concurrent users across nearly ALL transactional platforms."


Verify Smart Corp (VSMR) is the exclusive license holder of this patented technology and has licensed a multitude of financial institutions, telecommunications and crypto currency companies, including Microsoft.

Important Update:

Subject: Update to Shareholders - December 2023


A Message from Annamarie Seabright, EVP of Communications for Verify Smart Corp.



Dear Valued Shareholders,


With the year drawing to a close, may this message find you in good health and spirits. As your Vice President of Communications, I am pleased to present this Q4 update on the recent developments and future direction of Verify Smart Corp.



Recent Board Developments and Achievements


Over this past quarter, our team has made significant strides in several key areas. One of the main highlights includes the successful implementation of a new Board of Directors. At the Shareholder’s Meeting in September, the shareholders ratified the decision of the Board of Directors and elected to increase the Board by four seats. These seats are to be occupied by Perseverance Capital Partners (PCP) shareholder nominees Donald “Nick” Williams, Jay Gentry, James Rose, and Greg Barna.


In line with our strategic goals, we have also expanded our partnerships, collaborating with Stewart IT, an industry leader, to broaden our market reach in Canada and diversify our overall service portfolio. This partnership promises not only to expand our business footprint but also to bring a fresh perspective and expertise that are invaluable for our growth trajectory.



Financial Health and Projections


Our efforts in Q4, including talks related to aligning the organization with investor expectations and preparing for upcoming audits, are crucial for the company's growth and stability. 


In preparation for upcoming audits, we continue to rigorously review our legacy paperwork and systems. This is a critical step towards achieving a fully reporting status, a milestone that will mark a new chapter in our journey towards greater transparency and investor confidence.


Looking ahead, we are optimistic about our potential financial projections for the coming year. Strategic initiatives, as well as the ongoing expansion of our executive team, offerings and alliances are what we expect to drive rapid growth.



Governance and Compliance


On the governance front, we are creating a strategic plan to enhance our corporate governance framework, ensuring that we not only comply with regulatory requirements but also adhere to best practices that foster transparency and accountability.



Investor Relations Communication and Inquiries 



As part of our ongoing commitment to improve communication and streamline our engagement with our valued shareholders, we are writing to inform you of an important update regarding our investor relations practices.


Effective immediately, all interactions and communications related to investor relations, including responses to shareholder inquiries, will be conducted exclusively through our official website ( This strategic shift is designed to enhance the accessibility, efficiency and consistency of our communication with you.


Key Changes:

  • Centralized Information: Our website will serve as the primary hub for all investor relations materials, including financial reports, press releases, corporate governance details, and future investor events.

  • Dedicated Inquiry Section: A specific section for shareholder inquiries has been established on our website. Here, you can submit your questions, and our investor relations team will provide timely responses.

  • Regular Updates: We will ensure that the website is regularly updated with the latest information relevant to your interests as shareholders.

  • Webinars and Virtual Meetings: We will host regular webinars and virtual meetings, which will be announced on our website, to keep you informed about company developments and allow for interactive Q&A sessions.


Why This Change:

  • Consistency and Accessibility: Centralizing communications through our website ensures that all shareholders have equal access to information and updates.

  • Transparency and Compliance: This approach allows us to maintain a high level of transparency and adhere to regulatory compliance standards in our communications.

  • Efficiency: Responding to inquiries through a single platform enhances the efficiency and speed of our communication.


Your engagement and trust as shareholders are paramount to us, and we are confident that this new approach will foster a more effective and transparent communication channel.

For any immediate questions or feedback regarding this transition, please do not hesitate to reach out through the website's inquiry section.


Looking Forward


As we move into 2024, we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. Our focus will remain on driving growth, enhancing shareholder value, and maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance.


We also understand the importance of keeping our shareholders informed and engaged, which is why, starting in January 2024, we will be issuing a monthly newsletter. This will serve as a platform to provide you with the latest information and updates on Verify Smart Corp’s actions and events.


The support from stakeholders in September seems to have been instrumental in fostering a stronger and more capable organization. As we approach the end of the year, it's heartening to deliver these positive developments and to anticipate a more engaged and transparent VSMR in the new year.


I would like to extend my deepest gratitude for your continued support and faith in our company. Your trust is the cornerstone of our success, and we are committed to delivering on our promises and driving value for all our stakeholders.


I wish you Happy Holidays and a blessed New Year! 

And I look forward to connecting with you through our website and newsletter in January.


Warm regards,


Annamarie Seabright
CCO and EVP Communications

Verify Smart Corp.



What To Know...

MFA has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Passwords can be easily compromised, either through brute-force attacks or phishing scams. By requiring a second factor of authentication, MFA provides an extra layer of security that can prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data and transactions. MFA can also be used to protect against identity theft, as it makes it much harder for attackers to impersonate legitimate users.

Canadian Patent Defense & EU Patent Pending

Verify Smart Corp is pleased to share its worldwide expansion and protection of its MFA technology! VSMR is now on the verge of winning its European Union patent appeal, granting the firm access to 26 European states! In addition VSMR is spending its efforts on protecting its technology in Canada, allowing the corporation to generate ENORMOUS profits!

The Evolution of VSMR...

Verify Smart Corp was founded in 2006, the company struggled for many years without access to a marketable patent. Finally, the company was able to obtain U.S. and Canadian patents due to the efforts of its current President and CEO, Tony Cinotti. With many years of hard work and devotion, Verify Smart's MFA technology is now paving the way for numerous lucrative prospects throughout the world!

2FA and MFA Statistics





1.2 Billion







Executive Team

We are pleased to present our executive team of seasoned experts that are responsible for guiding the organization and its various divisions to achieve the mission and vision of the corporation! Our leadership team is adept in informing, motivating, and inspiring our organization to reach its full potential. With our team of highly accomplished and experienced individuals, we have the capacity to now massively develop and elevate the company!

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VSMR Executive Team

Sandy Manata


Sandy Manata has been a member of the securities industry and has held senior positions in the banking, brokerage, and clearing segments for over 30 years. Mr. Manata began his career with US Trust Company of New York as Vice President of Securities Operations and was responsible for all Securities Processing systems. Upon leaving US Trust, Sandy joined the Bank of New York as Vice President of New Product Development. 

Tony Cinotti

President & CEO

Tony Cinotti has over 50 years business experience in financial services, systems, sales, programming, project management, and management consulting. 


As President and Director of Verify Smart since 2009, he has overseen the firm's acquisition of valuable assets, such as the U.S., Canada, South Korean, and European  patents.

Anthony Lalley


Anthony Lalley has broad experience in supporting internal networks and IT systems for international sales, marketing, and finance for Global Telecom. He also served as a consultant for a variety of businesses, including Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, and Federal Student Loan Program. He consulted for Arthur Andersen & Co. and developed an Oil & Gas Field Revenue and Expense Accounting System for the Rockefeller Brothers Trust and interfaced with then New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller.

Adam Becker

Chief Operating Officer

Adam Becker has over two decades of experience in consulting and business development, with a focus on the DME, healthcare, and recruiting industries. He has been involved in successful start-ups, using best practices and a strong work ethic to deliver positive, game-changing results. Becker also has extensive experience in advertising and insurance.

EVP Communications & CCO

Annamarie Seabright brings over 22 years of expertise in public and media relations, corporate communications, branding, marketing, and publishing to Verify Smart. She has worked with a range of clients, including Fortune 500 companies, non-profits, and major television network studios, and has led successful publicity and digital marketing campaigns for start-up businesses to international brands.

Annamarie Seabright

Stewart Goodin

Chief Technology Officer

Stewart has over 30+ years of experience in Information Technology and has contributed to food banks, school districts, and college students through technology donations. He has also worked on large-scale server builds and network management for significant corporations and is the inventor and key contributor to the patents now used by Verify Smart.

Anastasia Marie

Chief Marketing Officer

Anastasia Marie is a marketing and social media expert with experience in branding, graphic and web design, social media lead generation, and digital marketing. With 7 years of experience building and managing teams as a creative director and brand manager for Signature PR, she has a track record of identifying and capitalizing on brand capabilities to increase market share and strengthen consumer loyalty.

Jean-Marc Zimmerman brings with him over 30 years of experience in corporate, patent law and intellectual property litigation. He has been the lead trial attorney in hundreds of cases in courts across the United States and has recovered millions of dollars in awards and settlements for victims of various types of wrongdoing, from both large and small businesses. He has memberships to several state and federal bars, including the US Supreme Court. 

Jean-Marc Zimmerman

General and Litigation Counsel

Jeffrey M. Stein

Securities Counsel

Mr. Stein comes to Verify Smart Corp. with over 20 years of experience in securities law, having previously served as a Partner at a top-tier law firm in New York. He has also provided strategic legal counsel to private and public companies on a wide range of matters, including mergers and acquisitions, securities offerings, regulatory compliance, corporate governance, and Securities and Exchange Commission filings and compliance.

Corporate Address

Stay Up-To Date

40 Hillside Avenue, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430




Designed, Developed and Maintained by

Verify Smart Corp


Verify Smart Corp welcomes you to contact us if you have any questions about our company, media inquiries, shareholder information, or investor-related inquiries regarding VSMR. Thank you!


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